That Speak Volumes
We offer a variety of voice solutions including our most popular Message On-Hold Service, Voiceover for TV and Radio, and Presentation Announcements.

Message On Hold
Our on hold telephone message service generates engaging narrative productions that bring new business to our clients. For more than ten years, VoiceTech America has been giving businesses in various industries a competitive edge with custom on hold messages. With low overhead, a commission-free sales approach, and a 100% satisfaction goal, VoiceTech America's professional approach is hard to resist.
Direct customers to your website or simply prevent hang-ups on the phone. By keeping callers engaged while on hold with on hold messages, VoiceTech America is able to help your business accept much more new business than a limited workforce could personally handle with our on hold services. Once you listen to our demos, we are confident you will like what you hear. In fact, we can even record a demo and email it to you so you can have an idea of how great your custom on hold voice message will sound on the phone, on air, or online.

Voice Over
A :30 or :60 second radio or TV spot doesn't seem like a lot of time to convey the right message to your consumers. But after a lifetime of putting words together for radio and TV, VoiceTech understands the "theater of the mind" concept in that concentrated burst of time and you'll find a well spoken message that will work nicely for your company.

The success is in the teacher. And much of the future of teaching is through the internet. Your vision for your eLearning project is an effective teacher who holds the concentration and ability to remember and apply the message to your students through a computer monitor, that means a realistic, familiar and convincing voice is needed for your students. Our female talent has many years of teaching Navy Sailors out at sea and future medical doctors here in the US with the message and audience in mind no matter where the classroom is.

IVR Messaging (Interactive Voice Response)
It's a deceptively simple procedure to record, "Press 1", "Press 2", or "Stay on the line please". However, if that voice is too stern, irritating or grating, the first impression is the wrong impression. From the customers' stand point the decision you make when choosing the approach the "greeter" makes on your messaging system is a reflection of the decisions your make everywhere else in your company. Whether a happy and cheerful voice is needed for your business, or kind and understanding voice for your medical clinic, choose your voice thoughtfully and strategically.

If the narration for your video sounds exactly like the person you hired as a loyal, professional employee then you have chosen wisely. The subject at hand may need to be sentimental, friendly or carry a note of warning but VoiceTech knows how to carry your message to the benefit of your video.

Script Writing
Succinct. There's only one word to subscribe how a message should be written for your company's presentation. Your consumers have a short attention span and busy schedules, giving you less time than ever to make a great impression. Don't lose them with a jumble of words and descriptions. Enchant them with a message that elaborates all your benefits in a message designed to keep them engaged and interested.

TV & Radio Commercials
To set the scene for your message in a :30 or :60 radio or TV spot means understanding the nuances a human ear notices but can't describe. Is your radio spokesman talking in a cathedral or a small living room, is that laughing child in the backseat of a car or in the back yard? What kind of music will set the scene, we keep all those details in mind when putting your production together.

Radio Station Imaging
In a sea of radio waves it's just the right imaging voice that will make you stand out. It's a friendly greeting between songs that keeps your message on track, keeps the mood up and says who you are and what you do. There's never any question what kind of radio station you are with a trusted experienced radio voice.

Presentation Announcements
The convention hall is full of people ready to hear your lecture but when you walk out cold without an introduction it will seem awkward. Perhaps a short welcoming message over the sound system will ease the audience into your message and light up the presence you are about to make on stage. From a dance recital to a major performance, or a company launch set up your audience for what is about to come with a professional announcement from VoiceTech.

VOIP Phone System Messaging (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
VoIP- is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone service over the Internet. If you have a reasonable quality Internet connection you can get phone service delivered through your Internet connection instead of from your local phone company. This can save you company sometimes half of what your currently paying for your phone service. VoiceTech America has communication partners that offer this type of phone service. This type of phone system has internal MOH and we offer that service which we transmit your message directly into the system so you don’t need an external machine. A hands off approach to Message on Hold.